Curiousity cabinets

This series of cabinets is assembled out of flea market finds. It sometimes takes months to find the right items for each theme a cabinet has.

The cabinets are based on antique "wunderkammer", shrines and altars. Inspirations come from old mythology, religions, the occult and obscure

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Holy virgin of electronics 22-30x10 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

911 35x45x15 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Robert Fludd's music temple 35x45x15 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Starchild relic 20x30x10 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Death after life 30x45x30 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Memento Mori 30x30x10 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Power Fetish 2000 15x40 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Twin altar 30x40x10 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Nephilim skull relic 30x45x25 cm.

(C) 2018 milan tilder

Temple TV 60x80x35 cm.